July 7, 2024
Submit your comment of support before July 12th!
We are asking for your support to protect salmon habitat and wildlife corridors!
Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Society would like to bring it to your attention that important decisions are being made regarding the protection of the riparian areas beside creeks and shorelines. Please read the following regarding the SCRD Riparian & Shoreline Protection Amendments.
The photo above is xwesam (Roberts Creek) with a healthy riparian area for fish and wildlife to thrive! Let’s keep it protected.
Please see Info Page link HERE:
Please watch a Short Video HERE.
Public Hearing on July 16, 2024, at 7PM to consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 722.9 and 337.123 has been scheduled with options to participate in-person at the SCRD Administrative Office (1975 Field Road, Sechelt) or electronically (ZOOM).
Public Hearing Info Link HERE:
(“The purpose of a public hearing is for members of the public to present their views and opinions on the bylaw. The function of the Board at the public hearing is to listen to public representations, rather than to debate the merits of the bylaw, to make a decision on the bylaw, or to have a dialogue with the public.”)
These are the basic points (from SCSS perspective):
-Two amendments will bring SCRD bylaws in line with Provincial riparian and SPEA (Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas) laws already in place.
-The third amendment has been proposed by Planning staff in an effort to avoid some of the issues facing development applications when a property/subdivision development has a riparian area or SPEA included in the lot plan.
There are strict laws about building in a SPEA zone on any property, this is to ensure the creeks, wetlands, lakes and ocean are protected.
Basically, the staff has found that during building, the SPEA (riparian protected land) is being disturbed by machinery etc. When this happens, remediation must take place to bring damaged land to its original natural state. This can be expensive (and if large trees are lost, may not be possible) and is time consuming for both district staff and property owners. To prevent this from continuing to happen, this amendment has been proposed by planning staff.
This bylaw will give the property owners/builders a clear space to work AWAY from the protected area. When the SPEA is damaged, the trees/vegetation will suffer, and the creek will lose important shade and cover to remain a healthy waterway for fish etc. This is even more important in this time of unprecedented climate events.
It is extremely important to implement these changes to the bylaws to ensure protection of the riparian areas throughout the district. Riparian zones are imperative for healthy salmon habitat and to maintain areas that also serve as much needed wildlife corridors. With the added buffer, the riparian zones will remain untouched.
The new bylaws will ensure that any lot that includes a creek, wetland or shoreline will have sufficient area to build a house and ensure there is enough space to keep the riparian area intact with shade producing trees and native plants that benefit the fish and animals that rely on them for food and shelter. As the coast becomes more developed, we will have to remain vigilant to keep the unique and special areas we enjoy safe from development that could encroach on the natural beauty and wild areas of our home.
For these changes to take place, the SCRD Board needs to hear from you. Numbers matter!!
Please SUBMIT YOUR COMMENT TODAY via the following:
Please be clear that you support the proposed Amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 722.9 and 337.123 to strengthen protection of watercourses and shorelines in the SCRD.
If you have any questions or comments for SCSS, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Also, please look over the two brochures attached for further explanation and information.
Thank you very much
Shirley, Denise and Kelly