Creek Riparian Area Protection and Restoration

Photo credit: Dolf Vermeulen

Creek Riparian Area Protection & Restoration

We have removed ivy, laurel, blackberry, knotweed and other invasive plants from the riparian zones of Malcolm Creek in the past year. In November 2020 we started to work on the riparian areas of Robert Creek near the Lower Road bridge and in the spring of 2021 we added Chapman Creek to our list!

Why remove invasive plants in our creeks riparian areas?

If we want healthy salmon, that depends on a healthy riparian area!

SC Streamkeepers host an invasive plant removal events in Roberts Creek on a regular basis! Please check our events page for the exact location as we change the location depending on what work needs to be done.

For more information on what a healthy riparian area looks like, please read the following handouts:

Riparian Area Handout HERE!

June 19, 2021 Chapman Creek, Sechelt BC

Roberts Creek Estuary April 2024

We are fortunate that we have been awarded 4 grants from Pacific Salmon Foundation and a grant from SCRD to purchase native plants to rehabilitate the riparian areas where we removed invasive plants. We are grateful to Pacific Salmon Foundation and SCRD for there support as we work to restore salmon habitat!

Invasive Plant Removal Events

For more information, visit our Upcoming Events page.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Roberts Creek Estuary Photo Credit Shirley Samples

Truck load of invasive plants pulled by keen volunteers Photo Credit Shirley Samples
Loading up the truck with laurel branches at Roberts Creek Photo Credit Shirley Samples
Planting a salmonberry bush in Roberts Creek riparian zone. September 25, 2021
Replacing the invasive plants with native plants to rehabilitate the banks of Roberts Creek. September 25, 2021


Invasive Species Council of BC


Sunshine Coast Streamkeeper Society Knotweed Removal Protocol

Please see article below for more information on the Henderson Beach (Roberts Creek, BC) project.

Although SCSS are not officially removing knotweed. The following is a recommended alternative to remove knotweed without chemicals. As our primary goal is to protect wild salmon and their habitat, we are totally against Round Up or any product that contains the herbicide glyphosate as the high possibility of it entering the water system on the Sunshine Coast.

Alternate Knotweed Removal Protocol

Equipment Needed:

Large plastic bag, either black or clear

Sharp clippers

  1. Cut each stalk of knotweed at ground. Try not to disturb the roots.
  2. Carefully put the cut stalk into plastic bag (making sure not to drop any piece.) Each stalk has many nodes that are very prolific and spread easily.
  3. It is helpful to put some kind of marker where each stalk was removed, we use a piece of coloured tape inserted by a nail into ground. This will help to identify the correct spot when returning.
  4. The cut stalk will start to grow again, it is important to continue to cut these small shoots every 2 weeks. Each time the sprouts are cut, make sure to add to a plastic bag.
  5. Put the plastic bag in a sunny place so that it dies and eventually dries out. At the end of season, it is important to burn the dried remains of these cut stalks. They should never be put in a public green waste collection site.
  6. The growing season of knotweed is May until October.
  7. It can take multiple years to totally eradicate the knotweed stand without harmful chemicals. Chemical spray can also take multiple applications and often does not totally eradicate the knotweed. The pilot project at Henderson Beach in Roberts Creek shows it can definitely be done without chemicals.